SIERRA ODC Private Limited, a leading software/IT solutions company from India is happy to announce its participation its participation in the SOFT WAVE SUMMIT 2017 Software Business Trade Show in [...]
eFACiLiTY® – Facility Management (CAFM / EAM / CMMS) Software at Nanjing International Trade Fair, China
Admin2025-03-07T13:03:15+05:30SIERRA ODC Private Limited, a leading software/IT solutions company from India is happy to announce its participation in the China Nanjing International Software Product and Information Service Trade fair. Figuring [...]
Showcasing SIERRA’s Xamarin Development Prowess at the Upcoming Mobile World Congress Americas September 12 – 14 in San Francisco
Admin2025-03-07T13:03:04+05:30SIERRA ODC Private Limited, a leading software/IT solutions company, headquartered in Coimbatore, India is happy to announce its participation in the MWC Americas. Organized by GSMA, which represents the interests [...]
SIERRA ODC’s eFACiLiTY® Building recognized as World’s 2nd highest and India’s highest ranking Green Building
Admin2025-03-07T13:02:53+05:30Coimbatore, India June 29, 2017 – The SIERRA ODC's eFACiLiTY® building has been awarded LEED Platinum certification by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI), the certifying body for all LEED projects [...]
SIERRA Participates in CeBIT 2017, at Hannover, Germany
Admin2025-03-07T13:02:32+05:30SIERRA ODC Private Limited, a Software/IT Solutions Company, headquartered in Coimbatore – Tamil Nadu, announces its participation in CeBIT 2017 for 3rd consecutive time. The CeBIT event is organized by [...]